Ads Rent

Please read Terms of Ads below before select your Rental package.

Terms of Ads Rent:

  1. No Adult and/Violence
    Banner that contain elements of pornography and violence are not allowed.
  2. Rental Period
    Banner are allowed for 1 month, 2 months, 5 months and 1 year period. Advertiser can extend their ads after receipt email about expired ads.
  3. By PayPal
    Payments made through PayPal.
  4. Cost of Ads
    Banner cost were US$ 5.00 for 1 month, US$9.00 for 2 Months, US$23.00 for 5 Months and US$50.00 for 1 Year.
  5. Cancellation
    Packages that have been selected can not be undone.
Regulation and the cost of a banner can change according to the blog owners discretion.

I understand and agree with the Terms.

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